Summer Programs Overview

  • What services does Jordan Public Schools offer in the summer?
    Jordan offers many different summer services for students in grades PreK through grade 12. These services include...

    • Targeted Services (Academic and Social Emotional Learning)
    • Extended School Year (ESY)
    • Credit Recovery

    Targeted Services:
    Targeted Services provides academic and social-emotional (SEL) support for qualifying students in grades 1-8 during the summer months. The main goal for Targeted Services is to reinforce and support the academic and social-emotional skills students learn during the school year. This program brings classroom standards alive through inquiry-based learning. Students can also receive SEL support through field trips and real life application of their skills.

    Extended School Year or ESY SpEd:

    Jordan Public Schools provides quality extended school year (ESY) services for students who are on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and qualify for the service based on the following criteria:

    Regression - All students, disabled and non-disabled alike, experience regression during breaks in instruction. For purposes of ESY determination, regression is a decline in the performance of a skill or acquired knowledge as specified in the annual goals in the students IEP that occurs during a break in instruction. That is, ESY applies only to annual goals in the students current IEP.

    Recoupment - A students ability to regain the skill performance or relearn the acquired knowledge to approximately the same level that existed just prior to the break-in instruction.

    Significant - Regression/recoupment is significant when the recoupment period is longer than the length of the break-in instruction unless the IEP team determines a shorter time for recoupment is more appropriate. For example, to be considered significant, the time needed to recoup/relearn a skill in the fall would need to be greater than three months - the length of the summer break.

    Self-Sufficiency - Those functional skills necessary for a student to achieve a reasonable degree of personal independence as identified in the annual IEP goals for a student requiring a functional curriculum. Self-sufficiency goals include such areas as toileting, eating, dressing, muscular control, personal mobility, impulse control, maintaining stable relationships with peers and adults, basic communication skills and functional academic competency. A student must have functional goals and participate in a functional curriculum. 

    The need for ESY services must be determined annually on an individual basis by the Individual Education Program (IEP) team.  

    The Jordan Public Schools Special Services Department takes PRIDE in having highly qualified staff who meet our district mission of "inspiring a caring community to ignite learning, innovation, and success for all."  We are committed to providing high quality instruction and staying current with research-based interventions and supports

    Credit Recovery:
    Jordan High School offers credit recovery (summer school) for students in grades 9-12. Students who qualify to attend credit recovery sessions during the summer will receive a letter from Jordan High School with more information. 


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