Every Meal Program

  • Every Meal is a weekend food program and a 501(c)(3) organization that Jordan Public Schools has partnered with to send meals home with students for weekends and school breaks.

    The program was initiated in an attempt to ensure students have adequate nutrition when away from school on weekends. This year there will be no enrollment for students. Families (or their student) can pick up one food bag per student each Friday from one of the following locations: 

    • Jordan Elementary School Front Entrance
    • Jordan Middle School Front Office
    • Jordan High School Front Office

    This program is free for our families to participate in and there are no qualifications to participate in the program. Families that would like to participate simply need to pick up one bag of food per week for each student from their student’s school. 

    Families can read more information about the Every Meal organization, the weekend food program and the weekend meal bag options here: 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I enroll my student?

  • Are the bags the same as the ones we received during Distance Learning?

  • How does my student receive the food bag?