- Jordan Public Schools
- High School
The High School Experience
Jordan high school has a seven-period day structure with two semesters each school year. A one credit course is earned by completing a single class over two semesters. Some elective courses are only one semester in length and earn .5 credit.
Our high school provides more than 100 courses and electives, which are outlined in the Registration Guide. To graduate, students must pass all required courses and earn 24 total credits.
Grading is a 4.0 scale, with weighted grades awarded to students who earn "C" or better in selected advanced courses. In addition, Jordan High School offers Advanced Placement, College In the Schools (CIS), Concurrent Enrollment (CE), and Articulated Credit (AC) courses. JHS offers 66 college credits through specific courses, which allows students to earn college credit without ever leaving the high school campus.
Pride in Unique High School Opportunities
There are a number of unique opportunities available at Jordan high school:
Our Summit Academy offers real life learning experiences combined with integrated curriculum opportunities for students to test out different careers.
Introduction to Education
Building and Trades
Healthcare and Medicine
Business, Marketing, and Economics
Introduction to Coaching and Leadership
Hospitality and Tourism
Interdisciplinary course offerings that challenge students to think critically in multiple disciplines.
Programs combining study and work are available through internships and work experience.
Online opportunities in curricular areas for students with diverse curricular interests.
Students can choose vocational training and career exploration classes at their high school and through our partnership with Southwest Metro service Co-op.
Full information about Jordan High School can be found on our high school website. To enroll at Jordan High School, please visit the enrollment page.