Mindfulness at JES

  • The mindfulness curriculum is being offered to students throughout the school day as a way to learn skills to develop self-regulation, manage strong emotions, and build physical and emotional strength. This integrated approach to wellness uses mindful-based movement, breathing techniques, social-emotional skill development and relaxation techniques to meet children's emotional, physical and mental needs.

    Mindfulness is used by thousands of educators, parents and mental health professionals nation-wide. Supported by the latest research in neuroscience, trauma and social-emotional learning, the curriculum creates optimal learning environments that improve children’s focus, behavioral skills, physical health and emotional stability.

    Students will:

    • Learn simple relaxation techniques to help them calm the body and manage strong emotions
    • Practice positive thinking – “I am strong, I am responsible, I can focus, I can do hard things” – helping students gain confidence in their abilities
    • Learn physical exercises that increase concentration and self-regulation
    • Have opportunity to express feelings and be active – strong feelings are moved through the body in the physical exercises
    • Develop community and group support, have opportunities to lead and follow, and learn to support other student’s accomplishments

    If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.

    Thank you,
    Molly Nefstead, MSW, LICSW
    School Social Worker/Certified Yoga Calm Instructor

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