- High School (9-12)
- Technology Curriculum
- Computer Graphics I
Business & Technology
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Course Description
This course is designed to teach the fundamental core principles of computer graphics. To introduce students to the basic elements and skills involved in the creation of computer graphics. It will provide an opportunity for students to acquire and develop the skills needed to create various types of computer generated work through their interactions with software, internet and various input and output devices. Actively engage students in developing, implementing and evolving ongoing electronic and print portfolios of their work. We will be doing a cross curricula project with the Fashion Design class utilizing the Glow Forge printing technology. We will be using a variety of materials from woord, plexiglass, metal, and fabric. Some design projects include - software box, cartoon characters, cloud art, pictures in text, t-shirts, and cd/dvd labels.
Proficiency Targets
Adobe Illustrator
As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:
- Place Raster images into an Illustrator file to use as drawing templates.
- Create and manage simple shapes and lines.
- Use various tools and panels to transform objects' color, position, and shape.
- Clone objects to minimize repetitive tasks.
- Use layers to organize and manage complex artwork.
- Draw complex shapes by combining simple shapes.
- Draw complex custom shapes with the Pen tool.
- Edit anchor points and handles to control the precise position of vector paths.
- Draw irregular shape outlines by painting with the Blob Brush tool.
- Create a custom color scheme using saved swatches.
- Add interest and depth with color gradients.
- Adjust color, both globally and in specific selections.
- Save multiple file versions for various print applications.
Adobe Photoshop
As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:
- Create a single composite ad from multiple supplied images.
- Composite multiple photographs, using various techniques to silhouette the focal object in each image.
- Incorporate Vector graphics as Rasterized layers and Smart Object layers.
- Manage individual layout elements using layers and layer groups.
- Save multiple versions of a file to meet different output requirements.
- Use a small, low-resolution image as a drawing template.
- Create complex, scalable vector shape layers.
- Composite images as Smart Objects.
- Create and modify selections and layer masks.
- Apply filters and adjustments to create artistic effects.
- Develop custom artistic backgrounds.
- Present multiple layout variations using layer comps.
Adobe InDesign
As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:
- Create a new file to meet defined project requirements.
- Use the basic InDesign drawing tools to develop visual interest.
- Select objects and object contents.
- Create and format basic text attributes.
- Place and manipulate external graphics files.
- Create a file with the appropriate settings for a four-color, commercially printed poster.
- Using gradients, graphics, and image effects to attract the viewers attention.
- Adding text elements and applying formatting as appropriate for a poster.
- Threading a single text story across multiple text frames.
- Understand the various options for formatting characters and paragraphs.
- Use inline graphics to highlight important text elements.
- Create a PDF file that meets the printers requirements.
Innovative Designer
As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:
- Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
- Students select and use digital tools to plan and manage a design process that considers design constraints and calculated risks.
- Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.
- Students exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.
Creative Thinker
As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:
- Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
- Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
- Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.
- Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.