Course Description

  • This course is an exploration of the foundations of the marketing processes such as developing, promoting, pricing & distributing goods & services to satisfy customer needs & wants. Emphasis will be placed on the specific venues of sports & entertainment, which are the two most profitable industries, and advertisement for those venues.

Proficiency Targets

  • Market Research

    As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:

    • Understand basic marketing vocabulary 08.01.01
    • Conduct marketing research, develop recommendations and conclusions & implement market research data to make business decisions 08.01.02 08.01.05

    Channel Management

    As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:

    • Understand the value of company leadership and its direct impact on success 08.03.01
    • Identify the key components of channel management 08.04.01

    Marketing Plan

    As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:

    • Understand all of the components of a marketing plan & analyze results to develop recommendations and conclusions 08.05.02 & 08.06.02


    As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:

    • Explain the nature and scope of the pricing function and I can explain factors affecting pricing decisions 08.07.01

    International Business

    As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:

    • Understand the different political systems, describe how different countries make economic decisions & calculate international exchange rates 01.01.01 to 01.03.01

    New Product Development

    As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:

    • Understand how developing new/improved products are a representative of future business success and company image 08.08.02 & 08.08.03


    As evidenced based on classroom assessments, the student is able to:

    • Understand the nature of branding and can identify what makes an effective brand and company image 08.08.04 & 08.08.05
    • Understand the role of promotion, describe the elements of the promotional mix & create a promotional plan to effectively communicate with target markets 08.09.01 to 08.09.07

Materials Used

  • No Textbook -- All Supplemental Materials