JHS Student Support Staff

  • The JHS student support staff is available to help with the academic and personal well-being of every Jordan High School student, including academic, college/career, chemical health, and/or social/emotional/mental health.

    How to contact us
    You can contact our support staff by phone, email, or by making an appointment in the JHS office. We are always happy to help.

    School Counselor Role

    • Course requests for high school
    • Track graduation requirements needed for a diploma
    • Researching post-secondary education options
    • Post-secondary education application process
    • Information regarding scholarships and financial aid
    • Providing social, emotional, and mental health support, including individual and group meetings and school-wide SEL lessons during SNAP
    • Chemical health issues

    School Social Worker Role

    • 504 Coordinator
    • Student support person for students with IEPs, 504 plans, and students in SAIL/REACH classes
    • Providing social, emotional, and mental health support, including individual and group meetings and school-wide SEL lessons during SNAP
    • Connecting students and families to community resources (e.g. housing, economic, and mental health supports)
    • Contact for families who are living in temporary/transitional housing

    School Psychologist Role

    • Support students' ability to learn and teachers' ability to teach
    • Administer, score, analyze and interpret various assessments
    • Make appropriate recommendations on referrals, assessments, and diagnosis
    • Consults with school staff, administration, and parents in resolving student concerns


Student Support Staff

  • robin whiteside
    Robin Whiteside, MS
    School Counselor

    952-492-4403  direct
    952-492-4400  main
    952-492-4425  fax