Who? ¿Quíen?: Anyone from JHS can join the Spanish Club. Everyone who is in a Spanish class is automatically a member. While there is not an activity fee to join, there are fees to participate in some of the activities.
When? ¿Cuándo?: The Spanish Club meets every 2-4 weeks. We schedule activities for every 4-6 weeks. Watch and listen to the announcements for the next meeting and activity.
What? ¿Qué? and Why? ¿Porqué?: The Spanish Club gives you the opportunity to learn more about Spanish speaking people and their cultures. El Club offers activities every 4-6 weeks including craft projects, field trips, cooking, movies and many other things.
Where? ¿Dónde?: Meetings are held in Mrs. Peter's room, S515 at the high school. Some activities are also held there, or off-campus.