Course Description

  • Elementary students receive visual art instruction once in a five day cycle. Studio time includes use of a variety of materials, tools and technology. Students utilize inquiry-based problem solving and critical thinking skills as they create in order to further develop their artistic process.

    The foundational aspects of the elementary visual arts program include:

    • Creating - art making
    • Responding - talking about art
    • Connecting - how art is influenced by and influences the world around us
    • Presenting - engaging with an audience


    • Students will develop an understanding of and appreciation for the elements and principles of design used in art.
    • Students can identify the elements, tools and materials used to create works of art.
    • Students can create an original work of art using many different subjects and media to express their own personal ideas, experiences or stories.
    • Students can talk about their artwork and the choices they made while creating it, identifying what they did well and what they would like to improve.
    • Students will present their work in an art showcase to a public audience.

Grade 1

    • Students will develop an understanding of and appreciation for artists of the past and present.
    • Students can identify the elements, tools and materials used to create works of art.
    • Students can create an original work of art using many different subjects and media to express their own personal ideas, experiences or stories.
    • Students can talk about their artwork and the choices they made while creating it, identifying what they did well and what they would like to improve.
    • Students will present their work in an art showcase to a public audience.

Grade 2

    • Students will develop an understanding of and appreciation for artists and cultures around the world.
    • Students can identify the elements, tools and materials used to create works of art.
    • Students can create an original work of art using many different subjects and media to express their own personal ideas, experiences or stories.
    • Students can talk about their artwork and the choices they made while creating it, identifying what they did well and what they would like to improve.
    • Students will present their work in an art showcase to a public audience.

Grade 3

    • Students will develop an understanding of and appreciation for how art can bring out different feelings and influence the world around them.
    • Students can identify the elements, tools and materials used to create works of art.
    • Students can create an original work of art using many different subjects and media to express their own personal ideas, experiences or stories.
    • Students can talk about their artwork and the choices they made while creating it, identifying what they did well and what they would like to improve.
    • Students will present their work in an art showcase to a public audience.

Grade 4

    • Students will develop an understanding of and appreciation for styles of art throughout history.
    • Students can identify the elements, tools and materials used to create works of art.
    • Students can create an original work of art using many different subjects and media to express their own personal ideas, experiences or stories.
    • Students can talk about their artwork and the choices they made while creating it, identifying what they did well and what they would like to improve.
    • Students will present their work in an art showcase to a public audience.