About Teacher

Phone: 952-492-2336


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education (K-6) and Physical Education (K-12) from University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire and his Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Saint Mary’s University - Minnesota

Mr. Larson

Grade 2 Teacher
I love making connections with students, friends, and community members.  I was thrust into the field of teaching when my 5th grade teacher, Mr. Ronning, died of cancer part way through my undergraduate studies and I was a business major at the time.  I knew the impact that he had upon my life and I wanted to be that person towards many young people for generations to come.  I love being overly silly with my students while making learning fun, interesting, and applicable to their own personal life.  I look forward to a long career in Jordan Public Schools and I can't wait to develop life long friendships.