- Elementary (K-4)
- Pick Up & Drop Off
Pick Up and Drop Off Procedure
Morning AM drop off for grades K-4 is from 7:40am - 8:10am.
Please DO NOT line up in the loops prior to 7:30am since supervisors do not start assisting students into the building until 7:40am. Students should not leave the vehicle until supervisors are present in the loop to ensure a safe arrival to school.Afternoon PM pick up for grades K-4 is from 3:15pm - 3:30pm.
Please DO NOT line up in the loops prior to 2:45pm. Preschool pick up occurs at 2:30pm in the back loop and we need to keep it open for those families to ensure the safety of our youngest students at JES. We also need to avoid traffic build up on Aberdeen Ave. for school buses and in-town traffic to drive through in the afternoon.- All families will enter and exit the south parking loop via Aberdeen Ave. Families should enter/exit the loop via a right-hand turn.
Important Notes:
- Remain in your vehicle during drop off and pick up and make sure your child enters and exits on the right-hand side of your vehicle.
- Have your child practice buckling themselves in so we can keep traffic moving forward and we don't have to wait for adults to stop and buckle students into their seats.
- Stay alert to traffic moving in the back loop. Stay off of cell phones and make sure to move up close to the vehicle ahead of you to prevent a long back up on our city streets.
- If you need to drop off or pick up at any other time during the school day, please park in the main lot, enter through the front of the building and check-in at the main office.