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About Jordan Elementary School
At Jordan Elementary School we value high-quality instruction, where time and resources are dedicated to improving student achievement, and relationships are nurtured to create a safe and fun learning and working environment. JES focuses on the academic and social-emotional development of students by incorporating a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) framework aligned with Restorative Practices where safety, respect and responsibility are integrated into all areas of the school. We celebrate and acknowledge students demonstrating positive behavior and continuously look for ways to support students when challenges arise. We recognize the importance of teaching social-emotional skills and strategies to students as they learn how to manage their emotions and relate to a diverse population of people and various situations in and outside of school. Culturally Responsive Pedagogy is a researched-based instructional practice we use throughout our school and district. The foundation of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy is creating equitable classrooms. Being aware of diversity [culture, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, socio-economic status] in a classroom creates a learning environment that promotes success for all students by recognizing individual strengths, acknowledging positive and negative behaviors, and connecting students and staff to a positive school culture. Mindfulness is practiced in each classroom in order to support everyone in the school community in addressing challenging or unexpected events in our lives. We value building relationships with students and believe when students feel cared for and nurtured, high levels of learning occur.
Our highly qualified staff ensures the overall well-being of your child and will create an environment conducive to all learning styles and abilities. We incorporate a rigorous curriculum aligned with Minnesota state standards to meet individual needs. Academic programming consists of our MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) in Reading, Math and behavior, along with after-school programs targeting students needing additional support. Staff members collaborate in professional learning communities to analyze student data on a regular basis and share best practices in order to differentiate instruction to meet the unique needs of all students. Technology is integrated daily into the curriculum, where Smart Boards, iPads, Chromebooks, and the Internet are used to engage students and provide them with a 21st Century learning experience.
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Contact Us
Main Phone: 952-492-2336
Fax: 952-492-4446
Attendance: 952-492-4444JES Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:00am - 3:30pmJES Students Hours
Monday - Friday
8:15am to 3:15pm- Doors open at 7:40am for students (will be supervised)
- Breakfast is served 7:40am - 8:25am
- Grab and Go Breakfast is served 8:30am - 9:00am in classrooms
Melissa Barnett
Learn more about Ms. Barnett