• Help Me Grow
    No two children develop, grown and learn in the same way or at the same pace. However, children do develop in certain predictable ways. Visit the Help Me Grow website for videos and checklists that show what babies, toddlers and preschoolers typically do at different ages. Download the infographic, and read parenting tips to help your child develop and grow. If you have concerns about your child's development, contact your child's health care provider or check the ;for more information.

    Help Me Grow MN is also on Facebook! Like us today on FACEBOOK

    Parent Aware
    Parent Aware is a free service to help you find the Minnesota child care providers that are rated best at preparing your children for kindergarten. This tool can help you select high-quality child care and early education.

    Working Family Resource Center
    Free webinars, newsletters, podcasts and developmental information. Sign up for the Early Learning Digest, a free e-newsletter with articles of interest to parents of children from birth to age 5. Each bi-monthly issue includes evidence-based information on child development and parenting tools and techniques.

    Is Your Child Ready?
    Will your child be ready for kindergarten? Half of 5-year-olds in Minnesota aren't. Take a five-minute quiz based on the best research available about child development milestones that lead to school readiness. See early childhood expert Dr. Marti Erickson's comments and tips.

    Mom Enough
    Mother-daughter co-hosts Marti and Erin Erickson invite you to explore with them the many facets of motherhood - from the daily joys and struggles, to balancing work and family, to considering the big questions of how society views and values mothers and mothering.

    Parenting Counts
    Follow the "Developmental Timeline" link for information on physical, social and emotional, cognitive and learning, and language and communication milestones for children from birth to age 5.

    Get FREE messages each week on your cell phone to help you through your pregnancy and you baby's first year. Text BABY to 511411 or visit for more information

    Zero to Three
    Get free parenting resources to support your child's healthy development from birth to age 3.
    Select "Resources for Parent" for a list of free parenting brochures and guides to download.

    Minnesota on iTunes U
    Minnesota on iTunes U is a dedicated area within Apple iTunes Store featuring free access to educational content. It is a collaboration between the Minnesota Department of Education and partners including the Science Museum of Minnesota, the Minnesota Zoo, and Walker Arts Center. Apple calls iTunes U "a powerful distribution system for everything from lectures to language lessons, films to labs, audiobooks to tours." Connect to Minnesota on iTunes U at

    Early Learning Digest
    Early Learning Digest (ELD) is a free bi-monthly newsletter, offering articles of interest for parents of children ages birth - 5. Information is digested from evidence-based sources, including the MN Parents Know website. Subscribe electronically to receive each issue at