Local Community Associations/Clubs
The Jordan community has a diverse offering of teams and leagues to accommodate the differentiated needs of our youth. These include Community Education Recreation, school district teams, associations, etc. All work together to help develop players ensuring that the Jordan community has outstanding athletic opportunities for years to come.
Jordan Area Youth Baseball Association (JAYBA)
Phone: 952-412-8717
Web: https://www.jordanmnsports.comJordan Basketball Association (JBA)
Email: jbadirectors@gmail.com
Phone: 612-590-9624
Web: https://www.jordanmnsports.com/Jordan Booster Club
Email: jordanboosters@gmail.com
Phone: 612-850-8178
Web: www.jordanbooster.orgJordan Girls Fastpitch Association (JGFA)
Email: Jordangirlsfastpitch@gmail.com
Phone: 507-340-3727
Web: https://www.jordangirlsfastpitch.com/Jordan Football Association (JFA)
Email: jordanfootballassociation@gmail.com
Phone: 612-799-5722
Web: https://www.jordanmnsports.com/jfaScott West Panther Cubs
Email: swpanthercubs@gmail.com
Phone: 952-219-3600If you would like to add an organization and contact information OR if you need to change information listed, please email communications@isd717.org.