Tutoring Information

  • Tutoring sessions are available to provide the academic boost your student needs in an individual setting for students from Kindergarten through Grade 12. Each tutoring session will include instructional strategies, skills practice, and homework support. Sessions can be scheduled weekly with the option of more frequent sessions. 

    Please complete the tutoring interest form to receive additional information and tutoring options.


  • Session times will be scheduled by the tutoring coordinator based on the availability of the student and tutor.
    Sessions will be located in a setting in the Jordan school building. 
    Contact Nicole Dietz at ndietz@isd717.org to schedule sessions. 


  • Individual Session: $30 per 30 minutes
    Families must pay before the session can occur.  Payments must be received the Friday before the session is scheduled to take place.  
    Session Registration and Payment Link


Tutoring Coordinator