Program Information

  • Jordan Public Schools is known for its amazing fine arts programming! Jordan Middle School students have the opportunity to participate in band and/or choir. JMS bands and choirs perform in three or four concerts per year, including semi-annual all-district concerts. Each year, several students are selected to participate in honor band and honor choir festivals. Band students are also encouraged to participate in the Jordan Band Academy, which involves Jordan High School band student volunteers giving free weekly lessons to JMS band students. Extracurricular music groups include Sunset Singers and Jazz Band.

    Middle school is a great time for students to explore music!


Courses Offered

  • Band 
    Band 5 students learn and develop instrumental music skills. Students will explore a variety of music genres and styles and perform at three concerts throughout the year. 
    Band 6-8 students continue learning and developing intrumental musical skills. Additional performance opportunities for Grade 6 band members include playing in JMS pep fests and performing in small ensembles. 

    Choir 5 is an introduction to singing and musical literacy in a group setting. Singers will learnd about music elements (form, rhythm, melody, harmony, etc.) in a rehearsal setting. There are three eveing performamces per year. 
    Choir 6-8 students continue the exploration of singing and musical literacy in a group setting. There are muliple evening performacnces per year.


