Academic Support

  • Reading Intervention is a class where students will receive specialized instruction in a small classroom setting to address fluency, vocabulary, phonemic awareness and phonics skills to support students academic success. This class is in addition to the students core reading class. Final grades will be posted in a pass/fail basis on student report cards.

    Math Intervention is an opportunity for students who do not qualify for other programs, but demonstrates a need in the area of math. Students receive enrichment and support to help them build foundational math skills and to meet grade level standards. This class is in addition to the students core math class. Final grades will be posted in a pass/fail basis on student report cards.

    English Learner: Only students whose first language is not English are eligible for this course. The level of coursework is based on the previous year’s ACCESS scores. Students will have the opportunity to increase English language skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening with the goal of fluent academic and social language proficiency. Students will be given support in their core classes as needed. Final grades will be posted in a pass/fail basis on student report cards.
