Early Ed-Ventures Handbook

  • Focus Of Program

    • To offer a safe and positive environment in cooperation with Jordan Preschool program. Planned activities are designed to meet each child’s physical, emotional, social and developmental needs.


    • Constructive Toys
    • Puzzles And Games
    • Crafts And Coloring
    • Dramatic Play
    • Outdoor And Gymnasium Play

    Early Ed-Ventures Mission Statement
    Early Ed-ventures mission is to provide children a safe and constructive environment offering recreational and enrichment activities giving each child the opportunity for growth in the areas of positive social skills and personal development.

    • Early Ed-Ventures accepts children with special needs if staff is able to care for the child’s needs in a GROUP setting. Staff may not be able to fulfill accommodations for a child which would result in an unsafe environment.  A child needs to be able to fully participate independently within the ratios of 1:10 (preschool) and 1:15 (school age).  Being independent is following the group plan, staying with the group, using a calm body and kind words, keeping hands and feet to yourself, and transitioning between activities on your own. Parents must make known the special needs before enrollment to enable us to determine if we are able to provide the care needed.
    • Children must be fully potty trained.
    • If Early Ed has determined that we are not able to care for the child based on the above requirements, termination of our program may be necessary.  
    • Early Ed does NOT do 1 on 1 care.
    • Early Ed does NOT take drop-ins.

    Days And Hours of Operation

    Childcare Hours are: 6:00 am – 6:00 pm Monday-Friday

    • This includes breakfast, as well as AM and PM snackprovided by Early Ed-Ventures. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide cold lunch or maintain a lunch account through the JES lunch program for hot lunches. Hot lunches are not provided during the summer months.  Children should bring a water bottle.
    • A schedule of days open and closed is distributed at the beginning of each school year.  Snow days are also closed days.

    Drop-Off Policy: Escort child into the building and sign in.

    Pick-Up Policy: Sign child out. Child will only be released to authorized individuals with prior written or verbal permission from parent. Staff will require a picture ID from persons not familiar to them.

    Non-Preschool Days

    • Early Ed-Ventures will be opened on specified non-school days.
    • Hours of operation will be 6:00am – 6:00pm.
    • Activity fees may apply in addition to the childcare daily rate. 

    Childcare Rates and Fees

    • Once a year - Registration Fee: $50.00. Non-refundable.
    • Parents must complete a contract with days and hours of attendance and pay that amount each month.
    • Payment due each month or a late fee is applied.

    Childcare Rate
    Full day: $40

    Late Pick Up
    Early Ed-Ventures closes promptly at 6:00pm. If a child is not picked up by 6:00pm a late fee of $25.00 will be applied to your account.  After the 2nd late pick up occurs; parents will be contacted to discuss other arrangements.

    Snow Day Policy

    • If school is closed – Early Ed-Ventures is closed for the day.
    • If school has a late start – Early Ed-Ventures will open at regular time.
    • If school is dismissed early – Early Ed-Ventures will close 1 hour after school closing.
    • (Normal payment required)
    • If school closes after 7:00am and your child has already arrived you will need to pick up within the hour as Early Ed-Ventures will close as well.

    Behavior Guidance Policy
    Early Ed-ventures childcare has designed rules based on promoting child safety and positive learning experiences. We strive on the behavior philosophy of Love and Logic. This philosophy enables the childcare providers and children to share control and decision-making while improving self-concept, behavior, and achievement for each child. It empowers children to learn from their mistakes and gain responsibility over their own choices.

    We have designed our rules at the children’s developmental level. Our goal is to intervene and redirect to change the course of behavior before a rule may be broken. We believe in praising appropriate behavior and being positive role models of acceptable behaviors. In the event of a rule being broken, we will enforce a technique of “break a rule, take a break”. These breaks will last approximately 30 seconds. Following the break, a provider will have a brief behavior conference with the child so he/she understands what behavior was not acceptable.

    Early Ed-ventures staff and children work and play under the guidance of the Golden Rule: “TREAT OTHERS HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED”

    This includes: Use Inside Voices - Keeps Hands To Yourself - Use Walking Feet

    Our daily activities will be consistent giving the children the understanding of what to expect next, alleviating transition anxieties.

    Behavior Policies
    If a child struggles with following the rules and is consistently displaying disruptive behavior causing the “break a rule, take a break” procedure the following policy will take place:

    1. A behavior slip will be completed and sent home.
    2. If inappropriate behavior continues a meeting between parents and childcare coordinator will occur discussing an action plan to correct behavior.
    3. If steps 1 and 2 have failed, it is the childcare coordinator’s determination upon removing the child from the childcare program.

    The following is a list of unacceptable behaviors and may be cause for dismissal:

    • Physical aggression
    • Verbal aggression
    • Foul or abusive language
    • Willful destruction of property
    • Endangering self or others

    Parent Information
    It is the family's responsibility to make sure we have accurate and updated information on file for contact purposes and medical information.

    Birthdays are a special occasion and a treat may be brought to share. Please inform us in advance for preparation. Food must be factory packaged.

    Child Dress Code
    We require that an extra set of clothing be stored in your child's backpack. Children should arrive with adequate clothing involving both outdoor and gymnasium play. Winter attire should consist of winter jacket, snow pants, hat, gloves, and boots. We understand that the child may insist on wearing ruby red slippers. If that is necessary please pack an extra pair of active shoes. Due to health and safety reasons we cannot allow children to be in stocking feet and bare feet unless involved in a brief activity.

    Meals and Snacks
    Early Ed-ventures will provide breakfast. We will also provide an AM and PM snack. We will use the JES healthy snack cart as our snack supply. The snacks on the cart may be apples, oranges, bananas, pears, applesauce, carrots, goldfish cheddar crackers, goldfish pretzels, animal crackers, sunflower seeds, graham crackers, raisins, etc. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide lunch. This can be done by packing a lunch or setting up a family account through the JES lunch program for hot lunches. Please note that hot lunches are not available during the summer months. All cold lunches should be labeled with child’s name.

    Body Break
    Body break or rest time consists of a story and a short video.  

    We do ask that toys remain at home to avoid possible conflicts. 

    Early Ed-ventures will inform parents and obtain permission before any pets will be housed at childcare or any pet visits.

    Health and Immunization
    A medical information form and immunization record must be on file for each child.  This is a part of their Jordan Preschool registration paperwork. These forms must be completed prior to childcare start date. It is the parent’s responsibility to update the medical form and the immunization record with changes.

    Parents are required to notify Early Ed-ventures if a child contracts a contagious disease. The health department must be informed of any reportable diseases or illnesses. If a child shows one of the following symptoms or conditions he/she is considered ill and parents will be contacted and the child will be isolated from the others and monitored by staff until parents pick up.

    1. A temperature of at least 100 degrees. The child must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to childcare.
    2. Possible signs of chicken pox. Child can return to childcare once the lesions are crusted over.
    3. A child has 2 loose stools since arrival for that day.
    4. A child has vomited.
    5. Evidence of ringworm or scabies.
    6. A child who has lice that has not been treated. Childcare can resume when there is no evidence of nits.
    7. An undiagnosed rash or sore, discharging eyes or ears, or discharging lesions on the body.

    Medical Policy

    • Life threatening emergencies – 911 will be called and child will be taken the nearest hospital. Parents will be called as soon as possible.
    • Injuries (bumps,cuts,falls) – staff will administer basic first aid and document injury. Parents will be called if necessary.
    • If child ill (temp 100+), parents will be called to pick up.
    • Medications in original bottle may be administered by staff and only if parent and/or doctor have filled out a medical permission form.

    Mandated Reporters
    All staff of Early Ed-ventures are required by State Law to report any suspicion of abuse or neglect to the local law enforcement agency.

    Right to Terminate
    Early Ed-ventures reserves the right to terminate childcare services within notable reason. A 2-week termination notice must be issued if child is to be removed from the childcare from either Early Ed-ventures or parents.